Alphabetical Index
This is only one collection; it is also a very basic rendition of the notes of the hymns; the actual chanting of the hymns is much more beautiful and euphonic; other collections will be added in time.
At Your Baptism in the Jordan, O Lord
Text: Melkite Traditional
Music: Cyril Haddad
Blessed Are You, O Christ Our God
Text: Melkite Traditional
Music: Cyril Haddad
Text: Traditional Melkite
Music: Traditional Melkite
Make Me This Day A Sharer In Your Mystical Supper
Text and Music: Melkite Communion Hymn
O Christ God, with the Saints Grant Rest
Text: Melkite Traditional
Music: Cyril Haddad
O Lord, Save Your People and Bless Your Inheritance
Text: Melkite Traditional
Music: Cyril Haddad
O Never-Failing Protectress of Christians
Text: Melkite hymn
Music: Cyril Haddad
O Only Begotten Son and Word of God
Text: Melkite hymn
Music: Melkite Melody
Text: Traditional Melkite
Music: Cyril Haddad
Text: Melkite Traditional
Music: Cyril Haddad
We, Your Servants, Ascribe to You
Text: Melkite Hymn
Music: Traditional Melkite
Text: Melkite Traditional
Music: Traditional Melkite